Dogs progressing
Each of these dogs have a story of what they are working on, how they have improved, or what still is in the works. They are all great dogs who I feel, in time, can coexist with all around them.

Growl class(top left) This class help dog reactive dogs. Darla, a very reactive Shepherd, is now relaxed in the presence of another dog.
Sophie, Sebastian, Toby(mid right)Agiliy can be done anywhere, such as this beach my dogs love. Agility keeps your dogs focused on you, and they have fun doing it
Dog Social,(bottom left) A dog social is fun and safe play for dogs I know play nicely. This is the large dog group. There is also a small/med dog group, and both groups got along nicely.
Sophie and Sebastian(top right)had issues with loose leash walking, chewing, jumping. stealing from the table, barking, prey drive and dog aggression. They now walk on and off leash loosely, keep all 4 on the floor, bring items taken instead of chewing them, and only bark once to alert us. The prey drive has become manageable, making walks so much nicer.They are improving their dog to dog aggression, and learning to trust other dogs. Still not all the way there, but in time, I know they can walk by a dog calmly
Agility fun(Mid left) Sophie learned owner focus and gained confidence doing agilty for fun. She loves the jumps!
Toby(Lab) (Bottom left) Toby was a bolter, and here he has leaned to sit before exiting or entering a door.