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Available services
Group Classes
Class location: 2416 Sound ave at the Baiting Hollow Congressional church.
4 week classes:
Calming Circle (people) For fear of people. Calming Circle (Dogs) for fear of other dogs. This class is for dogs who are fearful/shy/reactive of people only or dogs only. Slow, varied introductions to people and nice dogs using positive reinforcement and fun are used to ease you dog of his fears to help your dog gain confidence around people and dogs. 4 weeks. Being distance is important for this class, it only runs from late spring to late fall.
1 hour clinics
-Jumping : For dos who jump all over you and your guests, this class helps teach them proper approach manners!
-Loose leash walking(and car chasing)
We explore many methods to encourage your dog to walk beside you!
-Stay: I will teach you and your dog a rock solid stay, even with distractions!
-Come/Recall : In the clinic we discuss why a dog won't come and fix those issues, making the Come cue fun and your dog coming happily!
Settle Down:
This unique class teaches the excitable dog how to relax and settle down on cue. Down cue will be worked first if the dog is not fluent with the Down cue.
6 week Classes:
-Puppy I class
(8-20 weeks old)
Next class starts January 11th at 1pm!
This class is to help puppies socialize and learn to interact with other puppies properly.This unique class allows puppies to interact off leash in a natural way, with supervision. (large puppies will not be off leash with smaller puppies for safety). Puppies tend to throw all obedience out the window when they see another dog. This off leash method teaches them play is earned through obedience and obedience does not mean the end of fun. Puppies will also be exposed to handling by many types of people, and situations similar to Vet visits and groomers. Shy dogs and over aggressive dogs are worked with in this class also, to help them be social for the rest of the course. Prepare to have fun!
Basic obedience skills are worked, such as Sit, Down, Stand, Stay, Come, Loose leash walking, place and Drop it, as well as Canine Good Citizen skills. Problematic issues like excessive chewing, excessive barking, crate training, house training, jumping, nipping, digging, and food stealing are also addressed. Settle down will also be worked to teach your puppy how to calm down in over exuberant moments.
-Puppy II Class (6-11 months)
Puppy II is to help older pups sure proof the basics and introduce more advanced obedience, using fun games and challenges! Polite approach manners and good social skills are also worked and we challenge those obedience skills to make them solid!
Dog Adult Ed
​Next class starts January 12th at 1:45pm.
​Adult Ed is a class that takes the basic skills and challenges them with all kinds of distractions. We have contests and challenges that are fun for the dogs and owners! By the last few classes we work with long leashes for solid recalls, loose leash walking, and stays! This class now runs for 6 weeks.
Dog Adult Ed 2-NEW!
This class is an advanced class that takes obedience to the max with fun new skills and challenges. This class works with long leashes in an open field and we have fun contests and challenges. For those whose dogs who have good basic obedience skills, this class takes it to a whole new level of solid! Class is available in Late spring through late fall.
-Growl Class
This unique class is for the dog reactive dog. You are not alone!
If you dread passing another dog on a walk or in public, this class is for you. Your dog, and you, will learn that being around other dogs does not have to be stressful. In this class, they will become more comfortable in the presence of other dogs, and learn how to properly approach other dogs with good manners.
Dogs in this class are dog reactive only-people and dog reactive dog may feel too stressed for this class. Also, dogs who have killed or seriously injured another dog cannot participate.
For first few classes, to ease owners and dogs minds, fabric grooming muzzles are required. Proper methods to desensitize dog to muzzle will be taught. Be sure muzzle does not go past the dog's snout for proper treat administering.Muzzles usually come off by 2nd or 3rd class. If your dog's snout doesn't fit in a muzzle the exception will be made.
Your dog can learn to trust other dogs again using the methods taught in class, and you can walk without fear or embarrassment and enjoy the walks!
- AKC Canine Good Citizen Class
​Next class start January 11th at 12pm!
Canine Good Citizen is created by the AKC. Your dog will prepare and learn the 10 skills that will qualify him/her to get certified by the AKC as a Good Citizen!
10 skills: Accepting a friendly stranger, sitting politely for petting, appearance and grooming, loose lash walking, walking through a crowd, sit/down/stay, come, polite passing other dogs, composure with distractions, left with a trusted stranger.
The AKC now states your dog must have a registration number (through your town) to acquire the AKC Good Citizen certificate. Be sure to get this if you don't have your dog registered yet!
This class is not for dogs who are dog or people aggressive, or fearful of dogs or people. Proper classes are available for these issues, listed above.
Private Lessons
Private lessons in your home or at our location. I go over all obedience, manners, structure, and behavioral issues, including fear and aggression. Pricing is based on location/distance and issues.
Fear/Aggression program
4 week, 6 week, and 8 week programs available to ensure success and help your dog with fearful and aggressive behaviors. Positive methods are used and I will listen fully to your concerns to best help your dog. Having been through it myself I understand what you are going through and want to help!
Dog Walking training
In one session I can teach your dog how to choose to be next to you and you can both enjoy the walk!
Private lesson- Pricing based on location and conditions.
4 week Calming Circle: $200/$180 for rescues, seniors, or military
6 week classes: $168/$150 for seniors dogs, senior citizens, & military
1 hour clinic: $35.00
Dog social: By invite only. Free to all clients with dog friendly dogs!
Private Lessons: Based on individual situations. Price determined after phone consult.
Fear/aggression programs: 4 weeks
6 weeks
8 weeks
Pricing is based on location/distance
Dog Walking training- $60 per hour
$30 per 1/2 hour
Seminars: $30
*Shelter dog discounts are also the military and Senior Citizen discounts.
Special rates for War veterans-please inquire!
Winter hours of operation:
Tuesday-Friday 11am-5pm
Saturday 10am-4pm
Monday-Closed. Dog food day
Payment methods accepted:
Master Card
American Express
Apple pay
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